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Joseph Shavit
Jan 10, 2023
Neuroscientists identify drug that can bring back your ‘lost’ memories
Researchers discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2023
People sleep the least from early 30s to early 50s, study finds
Sleep duration declines in early adulthood until age 33, and then picks up again at age 53, according to new findings.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 2, 2023
Scientists identify sleep habits that substantially increase dementia risk
According to a new study, how long people sleep and when they go to bed could influence their risk of dementia.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 25, 2022
MIT sleep study delivers unexpected findings
Many people find getting more sleep gives them increased energy, emotional control, and an improved sense of well-being.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 16, 2022
Trouble falling asleep at night? Research results are truly eye-opening
A study measuring the sleep patterns of students has turned up some surprises about how and when our bodies tell us to sleep.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 25, 2022
MIT sleep study delivers unexpectedly eye-opening results
Getting more sleep seems to provide big benefits: People find it gives them increased energy, emotional control, and an improved well-being.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 3, 2022
Study identifies innovative new treatment for sleep apnea
Sleep-disordered breathing is characterized by breathing that stops and starts throughout sleep and affects up to 45% of obese Americans.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 24, 2022
Sleep is the new 8th measure of cardiovascular health
Study using the American Heart Association framework provides evidence that sleep is integral to preserving heart health
Joseph Shavit
Oct 8, 2022
Groundbreaking research unlocks ways to help teens get more sleep
Adjusting to a new sleep schedule at the start of the school year can lead to disturbed rest, daytime fatigue and changes in mood and focus.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 1, 2022
Researchers identify sleep habits that substantially increase dementia risk
Researchers from China, Sweden, and the United Kingdom found that sleep for more than eight hours increased dementia risk by 69%.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 1, 2022
Mouth taping found to improve quality of sleep and blood oxygen levels
It’s tough to tell your body to breathe through your nose at night, but you can force it to with a trick that’s growing in popularity.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 25, 2022
MIT sleep study delivers unexpected and eye-opening findings
MIT study suggests that more sleep, by itself, isn’t necessarily sufficient to bring about an improved sense of well-being and productivity.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 22, 2022
Sport, sleep or screens: New app reveals the ‘just right’ day for kids
Shifting 60 minutes of screen time to 60 minutes of physical activity resulted in 4.2 per cent lower body fat.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 18, 2022
Seven healthy lifestyle habits may reduce dementia risk for people with diabetes
Sleeping seven to nine hours daily, exercising regularly and having frequent social contact was associated with a lower risk of dementia.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 15, 2022
Researchers discover the best way to get a crying baby back to sleep
The data yield a simple but cost-free and effective technique that increases the chance of getting a crying infant to calm down and sleep.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 1, 2022
Science is close to understanding where consciousness resides in the brain
Science may be one step closer to understanding where consciousness resides in the brain, a new study shows.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 5, 2022
Cancer drug halts tumor growth by putting cancer cells to sleep
A new therapeutic approach prevents the growth of metastatic tumors in mice by forcing cancer cells into a dormant state.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 29, 2022
Want to live a longer life? Stop snoring
TAU researchers found that women aged 55 and over who snore are at increased risk for sleep apnea, which can be fatal.
Joshua Shavit
Jul 7, 2022
80% of Americans have poor cardiovascular health -- here's what we can do about it
About 80% of people in the U.S. have low to moderate cardiovascular health based on the AHA’s new Life’s Essential 8™ checklist.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 1, 2022
Smart earbud will measure how astronauts sleep
New project examines the differences between human sleep patterns on earth and in space using ear-EEG-tech developed at Aarhus University
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