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Joseph Shavit
Jul 11, 2021
OLED lights are shown to be much healthier for people before bed
Researchers found that exposure to specific types of light before sleep can have variable effects on energy metabolism during sleep.
Joseph Shavit
Jun 22, 2021
Your personality traits point to whether you are a Morning or Evening person
The relationship between personality, genes and chronotype (sleep patterns) has been studied by researchers at the University of Warwick
Joseph Shavit
May 26, 2021
Rough night of sleep? Don't count on caffeine to fight your sleep deprivation
Rough night of sleep? Relying on caffeine to get you through the day isn't always the answer says a new study from Michigan State University
Joseph Shavit
Apr 21, 2021
For older adults listening to calming music at bedtime can actually help you sleep
A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has found that listening to music can help older adults sleep better
Joseph Shavit
Feb 22, 2021
Sleep is vital to associating emotion with memory, according to U-M study
When you slip into sleep, it's easy to imagine that your brain shuts down, but University of Michigan research suggests that groups of ...
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