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Joseph Shavit
Nov 10, 2022
Game-changing wrist-mounted camera captures entire body in 3D
Using a miniature camera and a customized deep neural network, researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind wristband that tracks posture.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 22, 2022
Fitness trackers reveal connections between exercise, memory, and mental health
Exercise can improve your cognitive and mental health — but not all forms and intensities of exercise affect the brain equally.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 10, 2022
Need to chill? Smartwatch accurately measures your stress level in real-time
Cortisol is well-suited for measurement in wearable devices, because its concentration levels in sweat are similar to its circulating levels

Joseph Shavit
Jan 30, 2022
New smartwatch app improves sleep quality for those with nightmare disorders
NightWare’s digital therapeutic uses the watch’s sensors to track the user’s heart rate and movement as they sleep.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 10, 2021
Taking steps toward more effective fitness trackers, more physical activity
Researchers have teamed up to use control systems engineering tools to tailor motivational messages sent to individual device users.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 28, 2021
Small, lightweight, gas sensors can monitor air pollution through e-skins
Scientists develop novel gas sensors with improved detection sensitivity and durability by combining organic and inorganic materials

Joshua Shavit
Aug 6, 2021
Scientists can now track your circadian rhythms with a smartwatch
Smartwatches are handy devices for people to keep track of the number of steps they take per day or to track their mile time during a run
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