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Joseph Shavit
Jan 20, 2023
Solar-powered reactor converts plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels
Researchers have developed a system that can transform plastic waste and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels and other products.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 12, 2022
Breakthrough solar technology extracts 400% more salt from seawater
A new solar-powered desalination technology will significantly reduce the cost of desalination and quadruple the volume of production.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 13, 2022
Solar technology extracts drinking water from the air, 24 hours a day, with no energy input
New technology, for the first time, can harvest water 24 hours around the clock, with no energy input, even under the blazing sun.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 12, 2022
Innovation in solar panels generates 1,000x more power
The photovoltaic effect of ferroelectric crystals can be increased by 1000x if three different materials are arranged differently.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 26, 2022
Sponge-like solar cells could be basis for better pacemakers
In a new study, University of Chicago scientists find that holes can also improve technology, including medical devices.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 16, 2022
Using the power of the sun to roast green chiles and save the planet
Roasting chile peppers to deepen the flavor and make the inedible skin easier to remove is hardly environmentally friendly.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 11, 2022
MIT scientists believe "space bubbles" can fully reverse climate change
Scientists propose the idea of a multilayer deflective film to be deployed at the Lagrangian Point decreasing the incident sunlight by 1.8%.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 8, 2022
MIT researchers invent $4 solar-powered desalination device
An estimated two-thirds of humanity is affected by shortages of water and in the developing world face a lack of dependable electricity.

Joseph Shavit
May 20, 2022
Invisible, machine-washable, solar cell technology for clothing
Researchers developed a method of adhering solar cells to textiles in a way that makes them resistant to machine-washing.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 26, 2022
Introducing the solar power generating bike path of the future
Many people who live in cities are taking to biking prompting designers and city officials to reimagine bike paths and public transport.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 13, 2022
Converting solar energy to electricity on demand
New energy system makes it possible to capture solar energy, store it for up to eighteen years and release it when and where it is needed.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 9, 2022
Solar oven allows rural communities to cook without coal or firewood
A new design for a solar cooking system may help rural communities prepare food more sustainably, reports a new study.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 8, 2022
Zero-emission luxury superyacht features giant solar cell sails
At 528 feet in length, this superyacht concept, came from the inspiration provided by the flat-bottomed ships in the Viking Age.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 19, 2022
Solar-powered technology harvests water from the air, 24 hours a day
Fresh water is scarce in many parts of the world and must be obtained at great expense. Communities near the ocean can desalinate sea water.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 18, 2022
Can a planet have a mind of its own?
If the collective activity of life—known as the biosphere—can change the world, could the collective activity of cognition also change it?

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2021
Oxford University innovation could help maintain electricity for millions around the world
Millions of people around the world lack access to electricity. Decentralised solar-battery systems are key for addressing this.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 23, 2021
Harvesting water from the air, 24 hours a day, with no energy input
Communities near the ocean can desalinate sea water for this purpose, but doing so requires a large amount of energy.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 22, 2021
New solar-powered technology uses salt and water to cool off-the-grid communities
A simple cooling system driven by the capture of passive solar energy could provide low-cost food refrigeration and living space cooling.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 8, 2021
Crewless boats are mapping the ocean thanks to XOCEAN - an Irish startup
Two uncrewed vessels remotely controlled from shore have travelled up to 40 kilometres offshore into the North Sea to undertake survey work
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