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Joshua Shavit
Jan 1, 2023
Researchers create artificial black holes in the lab
Black holes are the most extreme objects in the universe, packing so much mass into so little space that nothing can escape.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 10, 2022
Building a space elevator to the moon is possible using today’s technology
Perhaps the biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravity.

Joshua Shavit
Nov 6, 2022
Astronomers discover the oldest star clusters in the universe
A team of Canadian astronomers have used the James Webb Telescope (JWST) to identify the most distant globular clusters ever discovered.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 31, 2022
New walking robot design revolutionizes how we build things in space
Researchers have designed a state-of-the-art walking robot that could revolutionize large construction projects in space.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 23, 2022
Breakthrough rocket engine could travel at 99% the speed of light
When it comes to space, there's a problem with our human drive to go all the places and see all things. A big problem. It's, well, space.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 22, 2022
Scientists make major discovery in the search for life on other planets
An Earth-like planet orbiting an M dwarf — the most common type of star in the universe — appears to have no atmosphere at all.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 15, 2022
Brocolli gas provides compelling evidence of life on other planets
These types of gases are made when organisms add a carbon and three hydrogen atoms to an undesirable chemical element.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 12, 2022
Scientists at NASA claim that warp drive is possible
Of many remarkable events shown in Star Trek, warp drive was one of the many futuristic ideas that caught the attention of many people.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 2, 2022
Our universe could be the mirror image of an antimatter universe extending backwards in time
Standard cosmological models tell us that the universe – space, time and mass/energy – exploded into existence some 14 billion years ago.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 27, 2022
Surprise finding suggests ‘water worlds’ are more common than we thought
A new study suggests that many more planets may have large amounts of water than previously thought—as much as half water and half rock.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 17, 2022
Mysterious diamonds came from outer space, scientists say
Strange diamonds from an ancient dwarf planet in our solar system may have formed shortly after the dwarf planet collided with an asteroid.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 12, 2022
NASA scientists claim that warp drive is within our grasp
Warp drive is the holy grail of space exploration. It is said to possess the capability of having a propulsion system that can travel.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 7, 2022
Does outer space end or is it infinite? Scientists weigh in
If you could keep going out, as far as you wanted, would you just keep passing by galaxies forever? Are there an infinite number of galaxies

Joshua Shavit
Sep 5, 2022
You can help scientists study the atmosphere on Jupiter
A new citizen science project allows volunteers to play an important role in helping scientists learn more about the atmosphere on Jupiter.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 3, 2022
Physicists open a portal to an unexplored realm of quantum magnetism
Unless an alien civilization is doing experiments like these right now, this experiment is making the coldest fermions in the universe.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 2, 2022
Our universe has an "antiuniverse" twin extending backwards in time
Our universe could be the mirror image of an antimatter universe extending backwards in time before the Big Bang.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 31, 2022
Student discovers an earth-sized "ocean planet" located very close to Earth
The exoplanet is orbiting one of two small stars in a binary system located in the Draco constellation about 100 light-years from Earth.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 28, 2022
Researchers find similar conditions on Mars to those on Earth when life arose
The accepted view of Mars is red rocks and craters as far as the eye can see. That’s what scientists expected when they landed Perseverance.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 19, 2022
MIT scientists 3D print low-cost plasma sensors for orbiting spacecraft
Cheap and quick to produce, these digitally manufactured plasma sensors could help scientists predict the weather or study climate change.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 13, 2022
Does the universe expand and contract in infinite cycles?
Some cosmological models propose that the universe expands and contracts in infinite cycles, but new research finds a crucial flaw
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