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Joseph Shavit
Jan 13, 2023
NASA says that Warp drive is getting closer to reality
Warp drive is said to be the holy grail of space exploration and possesses the capability of faster than light speed travel.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 12, 2023
Traveling to the moon aboard a space elevator is possible using today’s technology
The biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravitational pull.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2023
Does the universe have an end – or does it go on forever?
Above the atmosphere is space. It’s called that because it has far fewer molecules, with lots of empty space between them.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 22, 2022
Humans could travel at 99% the speed of light using this revolutionary engine
The engine has no moving parts other than ions traveling in a vacuum line, trapped inside electric and magnetic fields.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 12, 2022
NASA scientists believe that warp drive is possible
Of many remarkable events shown in Star Trek, warp drive was one of the many futuristic ideas that caught the attention of many people.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 10, 2022
Building a space elevator to the moon is possible using today’s technology
Perhaps the biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravity.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 8, 2022
Space startup looks to build a robotic outpost near the Moon
At the center of the new company is an evolvable and scalable space platform, called a robotic outpost, that will serve multiple users.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 23, 2022
Mankind could travel at 99% the speed of light thanks to this revolutionary engine
NASA engineer, David Burns, produced an engine concept that, he says, could theoretically accelerate to 99 percent of the speed of light.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 12, 2022
NASA researchers believe that warp drive is possible
Warp drive is said to be the holy grail of space exploration and possesses the capability of faster than light speed travel.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 7, 2022
How big is the universe? Does outer space have an end?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel to outer space – and then keep going? What would you find?

Joseph Shavit
Oct 31, 2022
New walking robot design revolutionizes how we build things in space
Researchers have designed a state-of-the-art walking robot that could revolutionize large construction projects in space.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 23, 2022
Breakthrough rocket engine could travel at 99% the speed of light
When it comes to space, there's a problem with our human drive to go all the places and see all things. A big problem. It's, well, space.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 12, 2022
Scientists at NASA claim that warp drive is possible
Of many remarkable events shown in Star Trek, warp drive was one of the many futuristic ideas that caught the attention of many people.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 7, 2022
How big is the universe? Is it infinite or does it end?
Right above you is the sky – or as scientists would call it, the atmosphere. It extends about 20 miles (32 kilometers) above the Earth.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 6, 2022
Taking an express elevator to the moon is possible using today’s technology
The biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravitational pull.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 12, 2022
NASA scientists claim that warp drive is within our grasp
Warp drive is the holy grail of space exploration. It is said to possess the capability of having a propulsion system that can travel.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 7, 2022
Does outer space end or is it infinite? Scientists weigh in
If you could keep going out, as far as you wanted, would you just keep passing by galaxies forever? Are there an infinite number of galaxies

Joseph Shavit
Aug 5, 2022
Riding to the moon aboard a space elevator is possible using today’s technology
Perhaps the biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravity.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 19, 2022
What is space debris and what can humanity do about it?
How much debris is there in space? Currently, there are about 2,000 active satellites orbiting Earth, but there are also 3,000 dead ones.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 19, 2022
How does reduced gravity affect astronauts’ muscles and nerve responses?
Researchers from Japan conduct a review and share an action plan for astronauts to prevent muscular atrophy during spaceflight
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