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Joseph Shavit
Sep 2, 2022
Stronger religious beliefs linked to higher levels of sexual satisfaction, study shows
Higher approval of casual sex or sex without love was found to be negatively associated with sexual satisfaction for both men and women.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 1, 2022
Scientists identify the part of the brain tied to experiencing religion and spirituality
Scientists have long suspected that religiosity and spirituality were mapped to specific brain circuits, but the location remained unknown.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 2, 2021
Scientists identify the part of the brain tied to experiencing religion and spirituality
A new study has identified a brain circuit that seems to mediate aspects of our personality responsible for religiosity and spirituality
Joseph Shavit
Jun 23, 2021
Research finds that spirituality can promote the health of breast cancer survivors
MU assistant professor Jennifer Hulett finds link between forgiveness, congregational support and improved health and well-being.
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