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Joseph Shavit
Sep 18, 2021
California firefighters wrap the World's largest tree in fire-resistant blankets
Firefighters are wrapping fire-resistant blankets around ancient trees as blazes tear through California's Sequoia National Park

Joshua Shavit
Sep 14, 2021
Could the water in bedrock save our forest ecosystems from climate change?
You can’t squeeze water from a rock. But tree roots can —and they’re doing it more frequently than scientists previously thought.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 26, 2021
Petal to the metal: How to ‘phytomine’ high-value metals from plants
Harvesting high grade metals – such as nickel, gold, and cobalt — from plants just like any other crop is called phytomining

Joshua Shavit
Aug 12, 2021
Planting forests may cool the planet more than previously thought
Planting trees and replenishing forests are among the simplest and most appealing natural climate solutions

Joshua Shavit
Aug 10, 2021
Bamboo is teaching scientists how to boost battery efficiency and rechargability
A water-carrying membrane inside bamboo that enables it to be the fastest growing plant in the world has inspired a QUT research team

Joseph Shavit
Jul 14, 2021
Even a single tree can make a difference
A single tree along a city street or in a backyard can provide measurable cooling benefits according to a new study from American University

Joseph Shavit
Jul 10, 2021
Africa is set to get its first vertical forest
Stefano Boeri has unveiled designs for three buildings covered with pollution-absorbing trees and plants in Egypt

Joseph Shavit
Jul 10, 2021
Open-source software helps cities more effectively plant trees in pursuit of clean air
Software to help towns and cities use street-planting to reduce citizens' exposure to air pollution has been developed by researchers

Joseph Shavit
May 14, 2021
Sequestration: When it comes to sucking up carbon, not all trees are equal
Trees are a large part of the climate change solution, with their ability to suck carbon out of the atmosphere and store it.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 11, 2021
Mapping the best places to plant trees could help to combat climate change
Reforestation could help to combat climate change, but whether and where to plant trees is a complex choice with many conflicting factors.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 27, 2021
The Brighter 5: Five important new technology advancements towards carbon neutrality
Today The Brighter 5 brings you a list of the five most disruptive and promising new technology advancements towards carbon neutrality.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 29, 2021
Scientists look to soils to learn how forests affect air quality, climate change
Trees are often heralded as the heroes of environmental mitigation. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which slows the pace...

Joseph Shavit
Jan 28, 2021
New research key to developing sturdier construction material and more climate efficient trees
A genetic engineering method makes it possible to observe how woody cell walls are built in plants.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 25, 2021
Street trees close to the home may reduce the risk of depression
Depression, especially in urban areas, is on the rise, now more than ever. Mental health outcomes are influenced by, among other things
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