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Joshua Shavit
Apr 16, 2022
Giant stars undergo dramatic weight loss program
Astronomers have found a slimmer type of red giant star for the first time. These stars have undergone dramatic weight loss.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 22, 2022
Could 'Information' be the fifth form of matter in the universe?
This would be a eureka moment because it would change physics as we know it and expand our understanding of the universe.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 19, 2022
Space station studies into the origins of life and the early universe
Research conducted aboard the International Space Station is helping scientists answer questions about the formation of the universe
Joseph Shavit
Mar 9, 2022
Mathematical discovery sheds light on secrets of the Universe
How can Einstein's theory of gravity be unified with quantum mechanics? This is a challenge that could yield deep insights into black holes.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 24, 2022
New insights found into how the Milky Way formed and evolved
Our galaxy is a giant ‘smoothie’ of blended stars and gas but a new study tells us where the components came from.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 21, 2022
Scientists discover how galaxies can exist without dark matter
When tiny galaxies collide with bigger ones, the bigger galaxies can strip the smaller galaxies of their dark matter which we can’t see.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 21, 2022
Could advanced civilizations be using Dyson spheres to collect energy from black holes
Black holes are more than just massive objects that swallow everything around them—they're also one of the universe's biggest energy sources
Joseph Shavit
Feb 21, 2022
Massive search for alien life among billions of stars completed - surprising results
Researchers in Australia say their latest project scanned billions of stars and 144 known exoplanets for signs of alien broadcasts.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 27, 2022
Scientists uncover how close you can get to a black hole?
Physicists looked at specific features of light to figure out the closest you can get to a black hole without having to prevent disaster.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 27, 2022
Astronomers discover mysterious object unlike anything they have seen before
Scientists found something unusual that releases a giant burst of energy 3 times an hour, and unlike anything astronomers have seen before.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 18, 2022
There are 40 billion billions of black holes in the universe
How many black holes are out there in the Universe? This is one of the most relevant and pressing questions in modern cosmology.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 11, 2021
New space telescope to peer back at the universe's first galaxies
Among other goals, James Webb will search the atmospheres of alien planets for what scientists call "biosignatures" -- the presence of life.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 7, 2021
Rocky planets orbiting nearby stars contain rocks not found anywhere in our Solar System
Studying the atmospheres of white dwarfs that have been “polluted” by such debris, researchers have identified exotic rock types.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 21, 2021
Amount of information in visible universe quantified
Researchers present a numerical estimate for the amount of encoded information in all the visible matter in the universe.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 23, 2021
Cosmic Dawn answers astronomy's greatest cosmic mysteries
For astronomers, the ability to observe the Cosmic Dawn represents an opportunity to answer the most enduring cosmic mysteries.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 13, 2021
Largest virtual universe free for anyone to explore
An international team of researchers has generated an entire virtual universe, and made it freely available on the cloud to everyone.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 17, 2021
Researchers publish new theory of life’s multiple origins
The history of life on Earth has often been likened to a four-billion-year-old torch relay. One flame, lit at the beginning of the chain.
Joseph Shavit
May 25, 2021
New details on what happened in the first microsecond of the Big Bang
Researchers from University of Copenhagen have investigated what happened to a specific kind of plasma - the first matter ever to be present
Joseph Shavit
May 18, 2021
$10 billion Space telescope that will help us travel back in time
NASA’s new telescope has a considerable mission on its hands: to peer deeper into space and further back in time than ever before
Joseph Shavit
Jan 4, 2021
Astronomers finally agree: Universe is nearly 14 billion years old
From an observatory high above Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers have taken a new look at the oldest light in the universe.
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