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19 Year Old Man Unicycling Across the Country for Charity

[June 16, 2021: Grace Blair]

Peter Frank, a 19-year-old from Escanaba, decided to learn to unicycle when he was 11 years old.

“I just thought it was the most mesmerizing thing and I was so astonished as a young 11-year-old boy,” he said.

But about six years ago, Frank was fighting for his life.

“I was hiding in a leaf pile and a couple of kids were driving around in a car and thought it would be funny to drive through leaf piles, unaware that I was underneath them,” said Frank.

The car ran frank over and he broke two vertebrae. Frank was almost paralyzed from his waist down and told he might never unicycle again.

“I didn’t want to believe it. I chose not to believe it,” he said.


While he was recovering, Frank’s family stayed at the Beacon House in Marquette.

“I’m blessed to have gotten that support from what they are doing and from the organization so at 19 years old I choose to give back,” said Frank.

Now, Frank is raising money for the Beacon House by collecting donations in honor of his ride from Appleton, Wisconsin to Phoenix, Arizona – all on his unicycle. His goal is $100,000.

Carrying an extra 40 pounds, Frank has everything needed for the trip packed and strapped to his unicycle. He leaves within two weeks and plans to be in Phoenix in three to five months. He plans camp in a tent along the way.

“Your dreams are as real as you make them and you can go your entire life being afraid of the unknown, or you can open the door and take a step of faith,” said Frank.

Click here to follow Peter Frank’s journey to Phoenix, Arizona or to donate to the Beacon House and support Frank’s travels.


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