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70 years later, not even COVID-19 can tear up their love

[Feb. 15, 2021: Khalida Volou]

It's a love story that has lasted for ages, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When Rosa and Randolph Scriber first decided to seal their love 70 years ago, they would have probably told you they were expecting to go through the test of time and love. But, they would have never expected that a pandemic would almost threaten all the years they have built.

Through the ups and downs, they built a lasting legacy that encompasses 10 kids, 16 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.

"They always told me that you can get through anything, the good and the bad, just trust and love one another," said Sharon Baker, their eldest granddaughter.

You see, they both contracted COVID-19 in August 2020 and to this day it is still unclear if they caught the virus at church or elsewhere. Randolph was on dialysis at the same time and it wasn't looking too good for him.

"He thought it was it and didn't think he was going to make it," Baker said.

While the virus was taking its course on Randolph, all he could worry about was Rosa and her wellbeing.


With the couple being a part of the high-risk population for contracting COVID-19, even science was against them. But, after a 2-month long battle with the virus, and several tests later, love truly conquered it all and they were able to recover.

During the recovery and measures to stay socially distant, they were unable to celebrate their milestones know...COVID.

Months later, the couple learned their son contracted COVID-19. Unfortunately, he didn't make it due to underlying health conditions and passed away on Jan. 5, Baker said.

"I remember my grandfather saying, 'I made it through but my son didn't make it through,'" Baker added.

That was the last time their family was together during the pandemic--at a funeral service.

Just like the rest of the world, we didn't think this pandemic was going to last this long. Baker said after the family came together on such a sad note, they wanted to do something to celebrate life. Now, Rosa is turning 90 years old on Feb. 19, but the family has to keep their distance for safety.


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And as the couple reaches year 71 of marriage, it means more than anything to share their story of a fighting love that even COVID-19 couldn't break.

"My grandfather still caters to my grandmother's desire and needs even though he attends dialysis three times a week, " Baker said. "He still adores my grandmother."

Credit: Sharon Baker

When you think of love and marriage during a pandemic, it's always stories about working from home together and not being able to get enough space away from your partner. Rarely is it about fighting for a love that could almost be taken away from you in split second.

"Family has meant everything to my grandfather and loving my grandmother has always been his top priority!" said Baker.

We wanted to know what kept Rosa and Randolph's love so strong through the years, and it's--trust.

"Always have God first in your marriage and trust," the Scribers.



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