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Adorable three-year-old boy 'obsessed' with sanitation workers is made an honorary binman

[May 15, 2021: Nilufer Atik]

A cute three-year-old with a passion for rubbish collecting has been given an honorary job – as an honorary binman.

The adorable youngster who is ‘obsessed’ with everything to do with binmen, including the trucks and uniforms, has even had one of the vehicles named after him.

Noah Lawrence suffers from Down's Syndrome so had to shield during lockdown.

Unable to play outside or see his friends, the highlight of Noah’s week while being forced to stay indoors was seeing the group of binmen come on a Wednesday.

The little boy would press his nose up against the window with excitement whenever the SUEZ recycling truck pulled up outside his house in Halifax, West Yorkshire.


Bin crew Kevin Lewins, Barry Taylor and Mark Wardman would wave and blow kisses back at the youngster, who would wave back and smile at them.

In honour of his passion for their profession, the kind-hearted crew members have dropped him off his own model garbage truck in recent weeks, and brought him his own mini hi-vis vest and cap so he could dress up like his heroes.

They went a step further last month when they name their truck after him, turning up with "Noah" in vinyl lettering on the wagon.


Noah's mum Paige Hanson, 25, said: "It's just amazing what the recycling crew have done for Noah.

"It's such a nice thing to do and it's great to know there's such lovely people in the world.

"Noah has Down Syndrome and he used to be very outgoing and would be out seven days a week but because of lockdown we had to keep him in.

"Noah doesn't communicate very well and it's hard to make him understand, that's why it's amazing he's built a relationship with the recycling crew.

"Noah just took to them and they made him smile.

"They come at 8am every Wednesday but Noah doesn't understand they don't come every day so he's always watching out for them.

"Noah didn't have a clue they were going to name the truck after him and he got really excited. He knows it's his name."

The bin crew said it "makes their day" to see Noah's enthusiasm when they arrive and they wanted to thank him for keeping their spirits up.


"Noah was there every single week throughout the lockdowns to wave and cheer us on.

"He did such a great job at keeping our spirits up that we wanted to say thank you in our own special way,” said Kevin.

Gareth Richardson, senior contract manager for SUEZ in Calderdale, said: "There have been so many acts of kindness shown to SUEZ crews over the last 12 months, ranging from rounds of applause to thank you posters left on bins, but Noah's commitment was so exceptional that we just had to name our truck after him."


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