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"Angel" Professor Joins Danny Trejo to Grant Wishes

[Aug. 7, 2020: Wish Upon an Angel]

I met Kyle in 1999 when he was 3 years old and diagnosed with leukemia. I would organize bone marrow drives for the National Marrow Donor Program throughout Southern California, in honor of Kyle. I remember when I first met Kyle, he was extremely active and always spoke his mind! Kyle was absolutely darling! Kyle's smile was captivating and he would always make you laugh! Marty and Oscar made it a point to attend every bone marrow drive and made sure Kyle did also. It was very powerful listening to potential donors expressing how they hoped to be a match for Kyle or for anyone in need of a bone marrow transplant.

Unfortunately, we never found a match for Kyle. Time passed and Kyle's parents and I lost touch for 10 years. Then, I received a phone call from Marty, she always had an amazing spirit about her, but I knew something was wrong. Now in 2011, Kyle was 14 and diagnosed with brain cancer. I didn't know how to help or had any clue how to respond, so I offered love and support and once again I remained by Kyle's side. I asked Marty what can I do for him, how can I help?? I wanted to give Kyle some joy, because there was no way to change his fate. I asked Marty what he wanted to do? I tried to grant him is wish for a trip to Disneyworld, but by that time he would need a medical transport and time was not on our side. I then asked Marty who Kyle would like to meet?


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There are many organizations which are overwhelmed with wish requests but have strict policies: "One Child, One Wish." Kyle Rodas, for instance, was granted a wish when he was battling leukemia at the age of 3. Therefore, when he was diagnosed with brain cancer at 14, no other wish organization would consider him. His family and I completely understood the situation, and that is why I personally took the initiative to make his wishes come true by any means possible.

Kyle met his favorite celebrities; Steve Perry from Journey, George López, Chester Bennington and Rob Bourden from Linkin Park, Ozomatli, Danny Trejo and world middleweight boxing champion, Sergio Martínez. Ozzy Osborne and Bllie Joe Armstrong from Greenday offered much appreciated words of encouragement in phone conversations with Kyle. It is amazing what a laptop, a cellphone, and determination can help you accomplish. For me, this helped make Kyle"s dreams a reality before he died at the young age of 15 in 2011..... Read More



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