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Artist Creates Dumbfounding L’Invisible Rock Boat: Perfectly Blends Into World

[Sept 21, 2021: Cristian Curmei]

The floating rock attracts travelers’ and locals’ interest (CREDIT: Julien Berthier)

A French artist has created an incredible camouflaged boat that masquerades as a floating rock.

Julien Berthier, 46, from Paris, used mostly polystyrene and epoxy resin to transform an old vessel into what appears to be a rock formation that has come away from the coast around Marseille, France.

Mind-bending footage recorded in June shows the boat - aptly named 'L'invisible', or 'The Invisible' – moving into the Mediterranean Sea as onlookers record the vessel on their phones in astonishment.


To get a clear understanding of what this thing is meant to be and achieve, you’ve got to keep in mind that this vehicle is from the mind of an artist, and like most artists, a message is to be conveyed by the structure. What exactly that message may be is rather hard to tell.

According to Berthier’s website, the idea behind the boat seems to be one that expresses several aspects: the boating industry, environmental effects of humans, the playfulness of some, but also modern life itself. Oh, then there’s also something about “modestly intervening” and “imperceptibly modifying” the environment.

The device made its appearance off the coast of Marseille just a few days ago, and since then has already been grabbing the attention of several newspapers, including some that are all about luxury yachting.

Even though this boat has nothing to do with luxury, but rather gets you thinking of how we’re going about this whole boating business, it’s still bound to continue attracting attention, after all, just look at it! Ever since I saw it, I got the whole “why didn’t I think of this” business going on in my head. Heck, you probably will too.


Honestly, there’s bound to be someone out there that will take the L’Invisible as inspiration and will proceed to build their own “incognito” boat. Heck, all it really is, is a boat shell, some polystyrene, epoxy resin, paints, and an outboard motor. What more do you need? The rest is just art. Actually, the whole thing is art. Personally, I would have figured out a way to integrate some solar panels into the whole construction as to really send a message to the boating industry.

L’Invisible Rock Boat out of the water (CREDIT: Julien Berthier)

As far as a living space, the interior has not been revealed thus far. All we get to see and know about is that hatch at the front of the boat, which is most likely used to climb aboard, but also looks to be a pilot’s only means of seeing outside the craft.

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