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Countries across the world are offering their assistance to Lebanon

[Aug. 5, 2020: The Brighter Side of News]

(AFP photo)

In a unified show of compassion and support, over the last 24 hours, countries across the world have offered a helping hand to Lebanon in the wake of the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday evening.

Israel Response

Several Israeli leaders and departments tweeted messages of support and offers for assistance.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contacted regional UN envoy Nickolay Mladenov in hopes that Lebanon would accept Israeli aid via the world body, if not directly. Mladenov confirmed the Israeli offer on Twitter.

Israel President Reuven Rivlin tweeted in Hebrew, Arabic and English that the Jewish state’s desire to help is sincere, and that Israel stands with Lebanon in this time of tragedy.


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UK Response

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted the following.

France Response

France's President Macron is set to visit Lebanon on Thursday to meet Lebanese political leaders including the president and prime minister, the Elysée Palace has said.

The country is also sending several tons of aid and emergency workers. Lebanon is a former French protectorate and the two nations retain close political and economic ties.

EU Response

The European Union is sending around 100 firefighters and other material specialised in search and rescue, said the EU's Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.

United States Response

President Donald Trump said the United States "stands ready to assist Lebanon".

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reached out to Lebanes Prime Minister Hassan and also tweeted his sympathies and re.stated the US commitment to assist.

Turkey's Response

The Turkish government is preparing to send aid to Lebanon after a blast that claimed at least 135 lives in the country, as Ankara’s ambassador to Beirut stressed Turkey’s solidarity with Lebanon amid the disaster.

“As the Republic of Turkey, we will continue to stand by the brotherly Lebanese public,” Ambassador Hakan Çakıl told Hürriyet Daily News.

Çakıl said that the Turkish government is taking steps to send aid to Lebanon, after the deadly explosion devastated the country’s capital.



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