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Couple become Lotto millionaires the day after husband made redundant

[Aug. 7, 2020: Yahoo! News]

A woodworker has won the lottery just 24 hours after being made redundant.

David Adams, 61, lost his job as a wood machinest last Friday - another setback in an already tough year.

His brother died from coronavirus in May, just two weeks after the death of his sister-in-law.

But his fortune changed when he won £1million on the lottery in Saturday night’s draw, although he didn’t realise until he checked his ticket in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The couple, from Chipping Norton, Oxon., will buy a new car with their winnings and plan to book a trip to Canada as soon as lockdown restrictions are lifted.

Adams said: "Many people would think the redundancy was the worst news but in fact it’s just the final straw in a catalogue of difficulties we have experienced.


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"Just last year Shelley was diagnosed with MS and had to give up the job she loved as a community carer, putting a strain on our finances and heightening her clinical anxiety.

"In April we sadly lost my sister-in-law due to a massive heart attack, then two weeks later we received the news that sadly so many families have received this year - her husband, my brother, had passed due to COVID-19.

"It’s been a really tough time but we stick together and try to keep smiling, whatever life has thrown at us.

"Never in our wildest dreams did we think the next thing thrown our way would be £1million quid!"

Shelley, 52, added: "David plays online from time to time, always using two lines of numbers which are important to us.

"On Sunday morning, about 1.30am, David came into our bedroom saying: 'Are you awake' - to which I pretty grumpily replied: 'Well I am now!'.

"But as he switched on the light I could see he was shaking so my grumpiness turned to worry as I asked him what was up, whereupon he told me we’d won the lottery.

"I was furious, I thought he meant a tenner!"

Shelley looked at the phone David was holding in his shaking hand - and registered an array of noughts.

She grabbed her husband’s phone and burst into her son’s bedroom to ask him to check.

"Needless to say, none of us slept well the rest of the night,” she said.

The couple have been cautious in their celebrations but are coming to terms with the magnitude of their win..... Read More



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