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Ecosia (search engine) users have planted 100 million trees: a milestone and a beginning!

[July 11, 2020:]

We've just planted our 100 millionth tree! In just ten years, an improbable idea has grown into a global movement. With your help, Ecosia has become the organization that has enabled the planting of more native and biodiverse tree species globally than any other.

100 million trees tackle the climate crisis by removing 1771 tonnes of CO2 every day. But it means so much more than that.

100 million trees means habitats for endangered animals. It means healthy rivers, more biodiversity, and fertile soil. It means fruits, nuts, and oils for local communities. It means more productive and resilient farms – and higher incomes. It means more children at school. It means that medical bills can be paid.

We’ve reached this milestone thanks to a simple idea: we’re using our profits to make the world a greener, better place – not to make a single individual or collection of shareholders rich. Christian, Ecosia’s founder and CEO, made this commitment legally binding – and irreversible – in 2018.

That same year, we built our first solar plant. Today, we don’t just produce enough renewable energy to power all Ecosia searches – we produce twice as much. By being 200% renewable, we’re actively crowding out dirty energy from the grid. It’s our way of saying no to fossil fuels.

Making the world a greener, better place also means helping out in emergencies. When the Amazon fires were raging, hundreds of thousands of you started to use Ecosia to help us plant three million additional trees in Brazil. In January of this year, when Australia was devastated by bushfires, we used all of your global searches to restore native rainforest. This May, when nurses and doctors faced enormous physical and mental pressure in the face of COVID-19, we started our first urban tree project, planting native species around more than ten hospitals to create healthier working environments.

Our ethics apply to our search engine, too. First, we made it completely privacy-focussed. After all, we’re interested in trees, not your data. Then, in 2019, we became the world's first search engine to help you make greener decisions by providing additional information about your search results. For instance, we’re now placing a green leaf icon alongside the websites of planet-friendly organizations, and a fossil fuel plant icon next to the websites of the world’s biggest polluters.

And that’s why 100 million trees are so much more than the CO2 they absorb. Each of the 100 million trees is also a vote, a protest sign, a message that things can be done differently. Each brings us closer to a different future – one we can all look forward to.

In this future, environmental and social justice is advanced, not repressed. Your searches have grown food, brought back rain, given women economic autonomy, and provided income for education.

In this future, the planet matters more than profit. Your privacy is protected, not for sale. Companies are transparent and pay their taxes. Renewable energy is the only acceptable option.

In this future, “tech for good” is not just a slogan. In this future, we show up in emergencies, and help each other out.

Thanks to millions of you joining the movement, this future isn’t just possible – it’s now emerging. Let’s keep building it. Let’s plant change.



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