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Heroic Boy Scouts help rescue woman from Hinkson Creek floodwaters

[July 2, 2021: Nick Catlin]

Two local Boy Scouts helped rescue an 18-year-old woman from a near-drowning from Hinkson Creek floodwaters.

The two boys, Dominic Viet, 15, and Joseph Diener, 16, were riding their bikes near Jay Dix Station, off Scott Boulevard, when they heard a call for help. They went to the call and saw a woman hanging on the basketball goal, according to Diener.

Once the boys swam to her, they each grabbed her shoulders to take her out of the water. Minutes later, first responders handled the rest, according to Diener.

Joseph Diener was one of the Columbia Boy Scouts who helped rescue an 18-year-old woman.

In Boy Scouts, Diener has gone through some similar situations and felt he needed to take action. Diener and Viet are both members of the Troop 6 Boy Scouts.


"She was struggling in the water," Diener said. "I'm like, I can't leave somebody out there to struggle in the water while I'm sitting here and watching."

The 18-year-old woman was suffering from a cramp, according to Diener. The heavy rain fall last week led to the basketball court being submerged in water.

A park underneath brown floodwater under a blue sky (Courtesy of Jerry Jenkins)

"I feel like if you're able to save somebody like that," Diener said. "I feel like you should because you're you never know when somebody's going to call somebody else or who's going to come."

Troop 6 scoutmaster Morgan Dailey said the two may get badges for their honorary action. One major emphasis for the scouts is the need to be ready.

"There's a heavy emphasis on being prepared and especially being prepared for emergency situations," Dailey said. "And this clearly was an emergency situation where there was a young woman that was struggling in the water."

Hinkson Creek reached a new high flood stage level of 23.13 feet at 7:45 on Friday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


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