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Mailman helps little girl with her heartbreaking letter 'To Daddy' in heaven

[Oct 18, 2021: Finvola Dunphy]

The letter 'To Daddy' posted it to 'Heaven, Cloud Nine'. (CREDIT: Sarah Tully)

An eight-year-old girl whose father passed away when she was just four months old wrote a letter to him addressed 'To Daddy' and posted it to 'Heaven, Cloud Nine'.

Sianna Tully begged her mother to let her post the letter late in the evening on Father's Day.

She asked her mom where her daddy lives so she could write the address on her home-made envelope.

Mother-of-two Sarah said she had to think on her feet and replied: "Heaven, on Cloud Nine."

The little girl wrote the letter in private, and Sarah has no idea what is written inside but they posted it in a letterbox near their home in Bewicke Road, Braunstone, Leicester.


The story took a touching twist when a local postman who had also lost his father happened to be the one to empty to post box that day.

Sarah said: "Sianna just came into the room that evening and asked 'where does Daddy live?' so she could write the address to a letter she had written.

The eight-year-old often writes to Tony Tully to say "I love you and I miss you" (CREDIT: Sarah Tully)

"I have no idea what is in it, I always say that's between her and her dad.

"I told her it was too late to post it at first but she started crying, so I said 'come on then' and we walked to the post box down the street."

Sianna's Father passed away accidentally eight years ago when she was just four months old.


As she gets older, she is becoming more aware and inquisitive about him, Sarah said.

Now, every Christmas, birthday and Father's day, she writes a letter to her Dad.

Yesterday, a picture of Sianna's hand-written letter made a splash on social media when the postman who collected it reached out to try to find the family.

He wrote: "I'm a postman in the Braunstone area. Earlier today I emptied the red pillar box on Bewicke Road and there was a letter in a child's handwriting addressed to their dad in Heaven, Cloud 9.


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"I'm trying to find the parents of the child as I would like to reach out to them and with their permission sort out a little something for the child.

"I myself lost my dad last year and as an adult found it hard, so I can only imagine what this child is going through."

Sarah became aware of the post after she started to receive dozens of tags on Facebook.

She said: "I couldn't believe what I saw.

"I am absolutely overwhelmed by the response of the postman and of everyone who has seen the post.


"I haven't stopped crying since. I never thought for one second that anyone would find it or do anything with it.

"I just thought it would go in the trash."

Sarah has now been able to get in touch with the postman and says they had the most "wonderful" conversation.

She is now planning to print out the heart warming social media comments to create a memory box for Sianna to cherish when she is older.

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