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The Brighter Side of News Kindness Calendar December 2020

[Dec. 3, 2020: Joseph Shavit]

Contact someone you can't be with to see how they are. Offer to help someone who is facing difficulties at the moment, Buy locally and support independent shops near you... these are just a few of the kindnesses you can do daily to make your community better.

To help kick you off on the right track, we've partnered with our UK friends at Action for Happiness to bring you this December 2020 calendar spotlighting individual kindnesses that you, your friends and family can do throughout December to add more cheer and love to the world.

You can download the calendar here.

Just like an Advent calendar, try to do each day's kindness. Make a contest of it with your friends. Promote your progress on social media, You'll be amazed how good 'Doing Good' will make you feel!

Drop us a line through our social media channels (in the site header) and let the Brighter Side of News community know how you are doing. Pass along tips and lessons learned. That way we can all grow!



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