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This cyclist rode 4,000km from Poo Poo Point to Pee Pee Creek

[Oct. 12, 2020: Lily Hansen-Gillis]

Completing what is unquestionably the silliest bikepacking trip of the year, Twitter user Ruben Lopez (@RubyDrummr ) just rode the 2,500 mile journey from Poo Poo point to Pee Pee Creek. The trip, which took Lopez 36 days to complete, brought him from just outside of Seattle, Washington to Pee Pee Creek in central Ohio.

Lopez, a professional drummer and experienced cyclist, had a full summer of touring (with bands, not bikes) lined up before the pandemic hit. With no source of income he started working full time as a roofer and eventually saved up enough to set off on his historic journey, committing more than a month to give the people what they want: A good potty humour joke.

Drawing attention to Yemen

The promise of Twitter infamy wasn’t the source of motivation for Lopez’s ride. The musician planned the journey as a unique way  to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. “Since the start of the Yemen war, millions of Yemenis have suffered in a country that is already the poorest in the region,” he says. “The World Food Program and USAID has decided to cut funding that provides food to millions of citizens at the start of Yemen’s COVID-19 pandemic. With over 22 million Yemenis experiencing starvation, and over 85,000 children dead from malnutrition, a suspension of aid is nothing but cruel warfare against innocent civilians.”

The cyclist set up a GoFundMe which has already hit $8,423 in donations. After riding 69 miles per day (nice) and arriving at PeePee Creek, Lopez is continuing to ride up to Maine. He posts about his trip regularly on his Twitter and Instagram stories.

This Brighter Side of News post courtesy of Canadian Cycling Magazine.


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