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Winnipeg cop caught in act of kindness

[Jan 10, 2022: Sylvia St. Cyr]

Constable Blair Scott with the WPS, helping a mom bag groceries at Superstore. (CREDIT: Cydney Bergen/Facebook)

A mom and her son were pleasantly surprised this weekend by a police officer who showed them kindness.

"I was shopping at the Superstore on St. Anne's and at the check-out I noticed the woman in front of me, her son was in the cart at the end of the belt," says Cydney Bergen, a young Winnipeg mother. "There was a police officer there and this charming man was with the little boy as he sat in the cart and helped him pack the groceries."

Watching the scene unfold on Saturday made Bergen smile.


"It was charming to see because he made it seem like this was a game for this little boy. He was saying, 'Which box should we put in the bag next? Do you like bananas?' The boy responded, "I love bananas."

While it was a simple act, it affected those who witnessed it.

"It was so refreshing to see in a world that's so negative these days something positive. To see people interact so positively with kids, I would certainly hope my daughter gets to experience that, especially from law enforcement."


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Bergen went up to the officer after, Constable Blair Scott, and thanked him for showing kindness to the mother and her son in front of her.


"By no means am I the only officer who does this," says Scott. "I'm sure daily there's an officer or two that steps up in this manner. I just happened to be the one who had the picture taken."

Standing near the exit, Scott realized the young child was having trouble opening the bags.

"I just held the bag open for him and I said, 'Let's help mom bag groceries.' He started putting the groceries in the bag. Ten bags later they were done. The little guy gave me a high five."

Scott had a positive police presence in his younger years that influenced his career choice.

"I had the pleasure of having a friend's father that was a police officer when I was a young kid and I always looked up to him and followed his footsteps, I guess, thirty years later."


Scott is glad to hear that the Winnipeg Police Service is being seen in a more positive light. Any officer working at Loblaws locations or Liquor Marts is there on their days off.

"I work with kids in schools. This is my first year doing it. Previously I worked as a detective and worked in our major crimes unit and the gang unit. I really see the difference you can make with kids at an early age. To be honest, that's all I was trying to do."

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Note: Materials provided above by Sylvia St. Cyr. Content may be edited for style and length.



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