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Worcestershire woman starts national 'act of kindness' movement

[Aug. 12, 2020: Redditch Advertiser]

Ms WaiLo Li who was raised in Worcestershire, set up Project TOM, a volunteer group that focused on 'acts of kindness.'

She suffers from multiple conditions including Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and deep-infiltrating Stage IV Endometriosis, which causes organs to fuse together, resulting in constant excruciating and debilitating pain.

Despite this Project TOM has provided nearly 1,000 PPE visors, worth around £5,000 to Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

ProjectTOM volunteers across the country have been engaging in acts of kindness in response to the pandemic; leaving ‘thank you’ notes for essential workers, providing home-cooked meals and care packages for the NHS, elderly and vulnerable, as well launching an online petition against racism in light of increased hate crimes against East Asians in the UK since the Coronavirus outbreak.

Born in British-Hong Kong, raised in Worcestershire, and having worked all over the world, Ms Li, said: “We have asked everyone to start with their own networks wherever they might be in the world. Everyone can do something – no act of kindness is too small. This has been a true team effort.

“Massive thanks to all those that contributed in the battle against Covid-19 – from manufacturers to pro-bono couriers, our amazing volunteers, as well as those who support our online anti-racism campaign; calling for people to be kind, be an ally and stand up to bullies.”


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Matthew Hopkins, Chief Executive of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust said: “Our staff are doing a magnificent job in working to put patients first through one of the most challenging periods in the history of the NHS.

"This includes frontline staff working under tremendous pressure looking after Coronavirus patients and also those working tirelessly behind the scenes to support them.

“We are extremely grateful to WaiLo and ProjectTOM for this incredibly generous donation of PPE. This is a huge morale boost for our staff who are working day in day out to provide the best possible care for our patients.”.....Read More



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